Baker Road Bakery and North Fork Bed and Breakfast/Gifts

Lisbon,New York USA

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today It's All About The Cookies....

There are some days when the appropriate thing is to make cookies. Today was one of those days. I woke up too early for a Sunday and actually did attempt, without success, to go back to sleep. After some coffee and breakfast, I went to the grocery store. When I got home, I decided it was time to bake cookies. I wanted molasses cookies and found a wonderful recipe. This picture is of those delicious molasses cookies. I really wanted to do more than one kind. I just love to bake. I especially love to bake cookies. The second batch were Amish Sugar Cookies and oh man are they good! I had never made either recipe. I was pleased with both and so was Tim.

I have to say that these are one awesome cookie! If you've never tried them, you must.

The baking was followed by skiing. I cut some completely new trails even though it was kinda windy. Tomorrow I can add another loop to my skiing. Or maybe later in the week actually as I have a pretty busy schedule tomorrow and will probably have to ski at night. Not good for picture taking but it works for getting outside and being able to ski. Actually we're supposed to have a southwest wind and often that brings lake affect snow. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to dream. Now it's off to figure out some new valentine labels. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? First day of the work week. Hopefully it will be a fun day.